Accounts Receivable Office

Iowa State University generates University Bills (U-Bills) electronically on the first business day of the month.  Once generated, these statements are accessible through Workday.  ISU recognizes that many students receive significant financial support from their parents/guardians during their academic career, however due to federal privacy regulations (FERPA) we are prohibited from sharing financial information with parents/guardians without student consent.  Only your student can grant you access to their academic information, including the U-Bill.  Please ask your student to grant you Friends and Family access so that you may view their U-Bill online or discuss the student’s account with an Accounts Receivable staff member.   

Services We Provide

Common Questions

Have a charge on your account that you have questions about? We are happy to help with any questions but we may not have all the answers. Here are some common items and where to go to get all your questions answered.