Iowa State University offers an Employee Reimbursement Deferment option for students who are employees of businesses and organizations that provide tuition reimbursement programs. This plan makes all applicable charges due after grades are presented. Enrollment for the plan can be found on Workday in the Requests app in the left-hand menu, or by searching "Create Request", and entering Employer Reimbursement Deferment Plan Agreement. This form can be filled out for an entire academic year at once or for a specific upcoming semester.


Enrollment in this plan is $35 per semester, which is non-deferrable and is assessed at the beginning of each enrolled semester.

  • Employer Reimbursement Deferment Plan Semester Due Dates:
    • Fall: January 20th
    • Spring: June 20th
    • Summer: September 20th

Students will need to provide the following information on their enrollment form:

  • Employer Name (Company/Organization)
  • Employer Contact Name          
  • Employer Telephone Number
  • Employer Email Address
  • Which semester(s) they wish to be enrolled in this plan

We also request that students provide which of the following categories should be deferred on the U-Bill:

  • Tuition
  • Mandatory Fees
  • Technology Fees
  • Course Fees
  • Books

Students will be responsible for payment of any non-deferred charges on their U-Bill in accordance with statement due dates. Students can view a step by step guide here.